Oh, and James brought a girlfriend.

Arabelle got to meet her G.G. (Great Grandma)

We spent an incredible day at Lagoon.

Jeffrey was both fascinated and terrified of this ride. This is the only ride he would go on alone, but he did ride the carousel several times with me and his grandparents.

After a long, hot day at Lagoon, we all enjoyed a feast at Chuck-a-rama. Arabelle had her first taste of ice cream and loved it.

There was a fun robot/circus themed birthday party for the three boy cousins.

The boys had matching robot shirts
and received robots and swords as gifts.

During part of our visit, we drove from Salt Lake City down to the Hidden Canyon Ranch, which is in the middle of nowhere about 4 hours south-west of Salt Lake City. Some relatives on my mother's side own this ranch, and every year there is a Card reunion there. During our drive down to the ranch, we stopped off at Pirate Pizza in Provo. It was awesome!

This is supposed to look like the pirate is holding the baby.

This is the best family picture we managed. Apparently it is very hard to get a good picture of 4 people because we have yet to get one.

Gabe has always been good at making pirate faces.

There were tons of games there, but Jeffrey's favorite by far was the machine that sucks up your tickets:

Cool Uncle Phil. He has a way with kids.

This shooting game was really fun!

I didn't miss a shot!

Ahoy there Captain Baby!

Arabelle the amazing bareback zebra dancer!

Arabelle the bug-eyed zebra baby!

Prior to this visit, James and I had been to a ranch reunion one time, and all we could remember was that there were goats. This time we had heard there were goats no more, so we weren't sure what to expect. Turns out the Ranch was lots of fun! The accommodations were great, and there was a surprising amount of things to do considering we were in the middle of the desert.
We swam in the pool,

and the kids loved feeding the droves of chickens.

We sang a song in the talent show (I was able to neither perform nor listen due to a hysterical child).

Every night, everyone would gather for a campfire. We roasted s'mores and sang songs with J.J. and Phil accompanying on guitar.

One night some one turned on some music, and a dance party ensued

which somehow evolved into

a rave of course!

Hey, who doesn't have a campfire rave at their family reunion?

The best part was just getting to hang out and spend time together.

We happened to look over and our angelic children had organized themselves into a game of ring around the rosy:

Jeffrey is stronger than he looks:

Jeffrey and Harry spent a lot of time playing with these trucks that my mom was so clever to provide.