Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Climbing Escapade

We were watching a movie and I turned around and found Arabelle on top of Jeffrey's parking garage. She was very proud of herself.

Giving herself a round of applause...

Posing sedately for the camera...

Just being sweet (unfortunately there's some avocado on her face from dinner. i always give her a quick pass with a wash cloth after she eats, but then later i usually realize how insufficient that was).

And getting herself down (She's also missing pants, of course, but that can be overlooked in a baby).

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

I thought some people might appreciate this face.

I tried many times to get a picture of Arabelle in these cute Christmas jammies and hat, but to no avail.

We started our Christmas Eve events by playing Santa Claus cooties. There seemed to be some dim light of understanding in Jeffrey's eyes. I think next year he might have it.

Then we sang a few Christmas songs while the kids jingled the bells that mom sent.

Next John told the Christmas story while I helped Jeffrey act it out with our stuffed manger scene. Arabelle chewed on a sheep.

We ended the night by hanging up stockings. Jeffrey seemed to know what the stockings were for and he took care to oversee the placement himself.

Christmas Day 2010

Elsie dragged herself out of bed earlier than usual to observe the festivities.

Arabelle can't seem to leave Elsie alone (but who can blame her).

Jeffrey's stocking had several little toy story action figures and this cool truck (all thrift store finds).

Elsie was quite excited about her stocking which included two milk bones and a Santa Claus ball.

Santa brought this gas pump (another thrift store purchase, and missing a few parts, but Jeffrey recognized its purpose immediately and was quite thrilled with it).

Jeffrey had a really hard time waiting his turn to open presents.

And here's Arabelle, up to her usual climbing.

And the big present of the year (and probably the next several years) is a power wheels truck! John put it together then we put it back in its huge box and I used two rolls of wrapping paper to wrap it in. Jeffrey was duly impressed by the "big box". Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the unveiling because I got it all on my new! video camera. Still shots would have been nice as well, so I will have to learn to take advantage of both.

I wasted no time whipping up this stop sign for him to use. I was planning on sticking it in the ground somewhere in the yard, but he just wanted to carry it with him. He would occasionally hold up the sign and yell "stop" and then stop his vehicle.

His truck bed has a working tailgate, and he spent some time using it to transport rocks. This power wheels also features a working radio, which Jeffrey particularly seemed to enjoy.

Around 1:30 p.m. we dragged a crying Jeffrey away from his truck so we good go up to John's parents' house, where we exchanged gifts and enjoyed Christmas treats and Mexican cuisine. It was lots of fun, but I was too involved to take many pictures. The following picture of a worn-out Elsie should pretty much sum it all up.

And this is Arabelle trying to put the reindeer antlers back on.

At the end of the evening, Santa dropped by.
Jeffrey was excited to see him, which is great progress from the two previous Christmases.

Arabelle, on the other hand, was wary.

She's reaching for me of course. She's a very clingy baby, and seems to be getting clingier by the day.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jeffrey's Preschool Christmas Party

Here's what he wore for the important day:

All the parents got a good laugh because Jeffrey snatched the present from Santa Claus and then wouldn't pose with him for a picture like all the other kids did. He was just too excited to carry his present off.

The present was a set of Toy Story action figures. Apparently, the kids get to ask for what they want and then the Town of Berthoud buys them what they ask for if it's within a certain price range. They all got really nice gifts.

There was also a brief program with some singing and stories that Arabelle and I watched.

The last day of school before Christmas, the kids were allowed to wear their pajamas to school. I didn't think that Jeffrey noticed that there was anything unusual about this, but he did seem embarrassed to have his picture taken:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bailey Family Christmas Party

Last night was the annual Bailey Family Christmas Party. This is the third year that John and I have hosted it, and we really enjoy having everyone over. We started by having dinner. I made broccoli cheese potato soup. It was served in yummy bread bowls (made by Dianne). Too bad I didn't get a picture, it all looked quite professional.

Next we had the white elephant gift exchange. Two of the highlights of the night were this singing bobble-head doll which was given by Mark and received by Kaitlin

and this jug of milk, given by the Hedahls:

And yes, Jeffrey really was that excited.

I felt the need to steal Jeffrey's jug of milk, so Jeffrey got to choose another present.

(Arabelle appears to be texting...this generation of babies are so rude)

Jeffrey's second gift turned out to be an appropriate little hot wheels car:

Then we sang lots of carols. Everyone got to choose one, and then we filled in the gaps afterwards. The Baileys know all the words to Frosty the Snowman, which I find very impressive.

Jeffrey decided to record attendance with my camera, and the following pictures resulted:



Uncles Michael and Jeff:


Kaitlin (and Brittney is there somewhere):

And John got one of the the Hedahls:

We ended the night by decorating gingerbread and sugar cookies (a Bailey Christmas tradition). Bonnie makes the cookies and supplies lots of fun colors of frosting.

I kept telling Jeffrey to use red hots to make a face on his so that it could be a gingerbread boy. He ignored me but then finally said, exasperated, "no boy, no boy!" I guess he had something else in mind, which turned out to be frosting 2 inches high--carefully applied, of course.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 2010

Arabelle in a cute Christmas outfit:

I bought this garland scotty dog at a thrift store last year and imagined the kids thinking it was funny, but somehow I never pictured them deciding to ride it like a horse. I had it on the front porch, but eventually had to move it inside because Jeffrey kept getting upset that it was left out there.

He calls it "Bull's Eye" after Woody's horse in Toy Story.

We had a ton of Christmas presents to mail last week, and I had to get creative to figure out how to get a 3-year-old, a baby, and several trips worth of packages into the post office.

Ward Christmas Party: (Sadly, I didn't get a picture of Arabelle, who was also dressed for the occasion.)

Before the Christmas Parade:

I had high hopes for a cute picture of the two of them in front of the Christmas tree, but Arabelle was tired and Jeffrey wasn't cooperating, and this was the best we got:

Jeffrey hogging the spotlight:

Someone on a float gave Arabelle this bunny, but apparently it wasn't enough to lift her spirits. One can't help but notice the resemblance:

Eating candy from the parade:

Thanks for the bells, mom! Both kids have really been enjoying them.

And here are just some random pictures taken in the last couple of weeks:

Shortly after this picture was taken Jeffrey did of course say "baby out!" but it was cute while it lasted!