Arabelle had to have her "Upper G.I." done today, which is basically an x-ray video of her upper digestive tract. Now that she's one and still can't keep down solids the doctors are starting to get concerned. The "Tech" didn't find any physical abnormalities, so that's a good sign, but we're still waiting to hear back from her pediatrician.
After the procedure, which involved her being strapped down on a table and having barium forced down her throat, we passed by the hospital gift shop on our way out. Arabelle spotted the balloons from way across the room and wanted one really bad. Of course her dad couldn't refuse her after what she had just been through.

She picked this one out, and it made her really happy.
Poor little Arabelle! I am glad that she got a balloon out of the deal. I bet she will be quite the little bike rider soon!