These are some long overdue pics from Mom and Dad's visit last March. My camera broke and I never so I never uploaded them until I got a new one and put the old SD card in it.

Arabelle has learned from a young age to be interested in things like trains and Lightning McQueen:

This was my fav part of the Children's Museum when I was young. I must have been about 5 when we visited. I remember being fascinated by the Grocery area, but very annoyed that the other kids had mixed up the foods instead of making sure they were all orderly on the shelves and in their appropriate spots. I was also frustrated because older kids wouldn't let me have a chance at being the cashier.

Jeffrey has seen this pic a couple times, and every time he sees it he starts screaming, "I want fire truck! I want fire truck!"

This is a cool over-sized nature area to make the kids pretend that they're rodents or something.

Jeffrey was quite fascinated by the Bubble exhibit. Here he is waiting for a giant bubble to drop and Papa is making sure he gets first dibs.

In the toddler area there is a play house inside a fake tree trunk. Jeffrey thought the bunk beds were really cool and kept wanting Arabelle to get in the bottom bunk.

My little woodland creature:

Jeffrey was disturbed that the wooden blocks and fruits had been wedged into the vegetable garden. Dad found a tool and was able to get some of them out

This is at a cool mexican restaurant/attraction in Denver where they have arcades, cliff divers etc. Jeffrey really liked this driving game and Dad said he was uncannily good at it.

This pic kept rotating back when I moved it, but here they are watching the cliff divers. I was worried that Jeffrey would be freaked out by the divers jumping so far into the water, but he seemed okay with it.