This is a new addition which was my anniversary present/ Jeffrey's birthday present. I found it on Craigslist used for $200. It is incredible that these plastic things go for over $500 new! Jeffrey and Arabelle were both so excited about it and played with it tons the first few days. Unfortunately too is not the great panacea that I am always searching for (the fabulous toy that will induce hours and hours of daily wholesome self-entertainment). The kids will play in it by themselves sometimes, but Jeffrey really prefers when friends come over and he can pass out guns and it can be used as a fort.

I could tell that Jeffrey was trying to think of a good pose, and evidently this is what he came up with:

This is the mud pie kitchen that Jeffrey got for his birthday. I think Arabelle has played with it more than him! She likes to rub mud into her hair.

Those do look like fun toys. I have also always been on a quest for the great panacea.