This year we had a marathon of Halloween events. Thursday was Jeffrey's preschool Halloween party. He woke up cranky (which is nothing unusual), and wouldn't put on his Buzz Lightyear costume. He was willing to put on his Buzz Lightyear pajamas that look like a costume, so I just had him wear that to school. I sent his costume with him and his teacher said he put it on before the party and wore it proudly and went around and showed all the teachers how it lit up. The kids ate cool monster cupcakes and walked across the parking lot to go trick or treating at the middle school.

Friday night there was a trick or treat hosted by the Middle School. Kids trick or treat at the different classrooms and middle school students pass out candy. There is also a game hall with various carnival games and prizes. Jeffrey was Buzz and Arabelle was a pretty fairy.

Saturday night was the Ward Trunk or Treat. You can see from Jeffrey's eyes that he is beginning to show the effects of too much sugar and too little sleep. Our ward does a fun night of activities every Halloween with a Chili Dinner, Costume Parade, Carnival Games, and then the Trunk or Treat Finale. It was pretty wild and I only got a few pictures, but you get the idea.

John and I kept encouraging Jeffrey to participate in the cake walk, because there were several yummy-looking baked goods that we had our eye on. I guess we got our just "desserts" though because later that night when I went to get them out of my bag there was nothing there and it eventually came to light that Elsie had pulled them all out and eaten them.

That does look like a fun night!